Restoring families back to how God Intended
What we're grateful for!
We reunited our first family!

A mother, a case worker, and a former foster youth come together to advocate for foster children!
As a case manager, Sylvia Beachy was frustrated with trying to meet the needs of the children and not having the support or resources that should be in place for foster children. Sylvia discovered the foster system had removed nurture and stability from a child’s environment. The focus was more on the paperwork and number of children in care than on the needs of the child. Sylvia also had quotas to bring in and maintain children in care. This is due to the Title IV-E funding which is on a quota system. The system incentivizes the separation of families!
Over 450,000 children are in America’s Foster Care System, with ¼ of them ending up in the Criminal Justice System within 2 years of leaving care. This is due to youth aging out of the foster system and having no place to go so they end up on the streets. Every child/youth needs and deserves to be nurtured, loved, and have stability. They cannot grow to be successful and functioning adults without it. The ‘term from foster care to prison’ needs to be taken seriously. We MUST help adopted/foster children overcome the obstacles of separation from loved ones and living on the streets!
Danielle Holm is a mother whose son was forcefully and unjustifiably removed from her care at one day old. She recognized the fabric of America was being torn apart by destroying it from the inside out. Our families are under attack! After seeking help via every avenue possible and finding it nowhere, she began to reach out to many other families that shared similar stories of grief, trauma, betrayal and violence with the separation of their children. For 7 years Danielle has been a voice for all of the orphans who should never have been forced to become orphaned, as well as the grieving parents looking for justice for their families who have been torn apart by an unforgiving system.
Kajal Emmett is an adoptee from India who was placed in foster care. As an adopted foster youth, Kajal longed for nurture and stability. Thankfully, she has a rare success story that ensured she did not become a statistic.
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P.O Box 1635, Monroe GA 30655