Our Mission

  • To give a voice to children and youth in Foster Care.

  • Striving to keep families together.

  • Empowering youth to live successful lives, free of the government, once they age out of the system.

Rescue The Fosters provides ‘a voice’ to children and youth in foster care. Too often, we hear from foster youth that " their voice is not heard." We want to ensure they understand their rights within the system. They have the right to a stable environment. It is our responsibility to ensure they receive it.

Therefore, we offer advocacy to children and youth in the foster system to have a healthy and stable environment.

We believe that by offering services to low-income families, we will give them a better chance to remain together, which will provide the child a better chance of obtaining a successful adult life.

We will also provide advocacy to parents navigating the Family Court/Juvenile system often known as the Department of Children and Family Services.

Sylvia Beachy CEO

Sylvia Beachy is the co-founder of Rescue The Fosters and has five years of experience working within the foster system.

Sylvia began her career as a staff member at Elks Aidmore, a group home for girls. She has also served as a case worker, transporter, parent aide, and behavior aide. However, she realized that the system is often incentivized to tear families apart, which led to the founding of Rescue The Fosters.

Rescue The Fosters is dedicated to ensuring that foster children and youth have a stable and safe environment in which to grow. We also advocate for youth aging out of the system, helping them remain off the streets and out of prison. Additionally, Rescue The Fosters assists families in navigating the Family and Juvenile Court systems to help keep families together.

Sylvia is a loyal Christian committed to being a voice for the voiceless and restoring families.

Gino Haddad Administrator

Gino is a devout Christian living for the Lord. He has been married to his wife for twenty-five years and they have four children.

Gino is passionate about seeing the corrupt foster care, adoption and child protective services dismantled and replaced. Gino believes the American family has been under attack for far too long. Government interference and judicial abuse are commonplace. There is no oversight of these agencies and families have little to no recourse against these blatant abuses.

Gino is proud to be a part of the team at Rescue The Fosters that is committed to restoring families.

Kajal Emmette (KK) Advocate

Kajal Emmett is a devoted Christian and a former foster youth. Kajal is an adoptee who was placed in the foster system at the age of 15 years- old and remained in care until she aged out of the system at the age of 21 years -old.

KK is studying social justice at Georgia Gwinnett College.

KK learned at an early age to advocate for herself. She wants to advocate for other children and youth in the Foster Care system and ensure their voice is heard.

Lorina Bourne (Troy) Advocate

Lorina Bourne is an inspiring author and national advocate for families. She has had meetings with over ten lawmakers across the nation to fight for change to help families nationwide with the misdiagnosis of children.

And she also shared her testimony at a legislative hearing at the Capitol building in Austin, Texas and played a key role to help assist in having a bill passed that would allow parents a second medical opinion. Also assisted with having bill SB1578 passed by sharing our testimony at a legislative hearing and sharing our story with the news and the media to help add steam and traction for National change to the system.

Lorina was also the recipient of the Family Justice Resource Center's 2022 Child Advocacy Award, in honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month. She was nominated for this award for her nationwide efforts advocating for children and families who have been the victims of medical misdiagnosis and wrongful allegations of child abuse or neglect. Read her story below.


Her message in her book is captivating, engaging, and inspires others to promote a positive shift in their personal perceptions and thoughts. Her book, “Miracles of Faith,” is in the hands of many readers worldwide. Lorina’s son was misdiagnosed and the effects of the misdiagnosis rocked her family's foundation.

She also spoke at a legislative hearing at the Capitol of Texas, with the House of Representatives Committee. Lorina’s story has been featured nationwide by People Magazine, FOX 7 Austin, KXAN News, ABC News stations, NBC News stations.

In June 2024, Lorina’s story was published by ABC News:


To read more about her story, her book, Miracles of Faith:


John Matthew Advocate

John Matthew a 40 year old Dad on a duty to break the generational chains that bind so many. Journey that starts with a deep rooted feeling that something was terribly wrong lead to a mission that would not only change his life but positively impact the lives of many for generations to come. An ambitious builder of both business and life sparked a 11+ year journey to turn tragedy into triumph by giving tools and resources to everyone and show their true ability to build and grow their life as God intended, not man.

- Man of firm faith and foundation

-Studied Law fot 7+ years including history and origins-Family business owner, business builder

-Founder of Un-Inc'd, The Self Governing Academy, The National Testimony & The National Records

-Advocate for Law, Self Governing, alternative Self care, survivors, trauma victims, vax injured

Joe Howley Advocate

Joe Howley is a 60-year-old Christian, Inventor, Science Researcher, Detective, and Entrepreneur, on a mission from God to help people heal. His fifty-year journey started at age 10, with a supernatural experience that profoundly shaped Joe’s life, as well as the lives of many who have participated in his research, and experienced amazing healing, recovery and performance enhancing journeys themselves.

After experiencing a devastating knee injury playing, at the same time he suffered the greatest loss in his life, when his dad died of cancer at 52 years old. Joe had a fire lit inside of him to find out why there was so much cancer, chronic disease, and lack of compassionate care in the healthcare system.

Joe set out to first heal himself after his surgery recovery went wrong and a second tear in the ACL left him partially handicapped for 10-years because he could not find healing and competent care in the healthcare system. Joe finally found his way to a 100% recovery and healing, with holistic naturopath doctors and practitioners using new technologies and unconventional healing methods, including highly personalized cellular nutrition. Joe began building a new AI driven self-care system (PreFormance Self-Care) that makes the current healthcare system completely obsolete.

Today Joe shares his testimony along with his vison for the future of health, performance, and healing. He will be publishing his research and case study next year. He is launching the PreFormance Academy to address the 95% plus health/nutrition illiteracy rate around the world. Joe is surrounded by a world-class team of science, medical, sports, technology, business professionals, and others who will help shape healthcare in the world in the future.

Our Team